AtGlobal provides technical translations of instruction manuals, specifications, product catalogs, and brochures for a wide range of machinery and precision equipment, including computers, home appliances, semiconductors, and robots.
Supported Services
Translation, proofreading, rewriting, native checking
Creation and transcreation of catchphrases in foreign languages
Creation and maintenance of glossaries
DTP, binding and printing in various languages
Creation and operation of websites in various languages
Translation, memory creation and maintenance in CAT tools such as Trados, Memsource, memoQ, etc.
Supported Fields
Personal computers and peripheral equipment, various types of large computers, audio-visual equipment, home appliances, office automation equipment, medical devices, machine tools and manufacturing equipment, measuring and inspection equipment, various types of vehicles, various types of aircraft, semiconductor manufacturing equipment, various types of communications equipment, robots, etc.
Attention to Detail
Work according to a standardized workflow from “hearing” before translation begins to “delivery
Select the right person for the job from a team of more than 2,200 translators and checkers
Full use of translation support tools (CAT tools) to streamline quality, cost, and delivery
Double-checking by translator and reviewer is the standard process. In addition to the human eye, we have a thorough checking system that makes full use of tools.
Solid after-sales service after delivery
Translation Services for
Commitment to Quality
Feel free to contact us.