How We Manage Quality

AtGlobal has accumulated a wide range of expertise in quality assurance via the strict quality requirements of our clients. Specifically, we guarantee quality by practicing the following methods.

Specific Methods

 After screening documents, a trial test is conducted. Trial checkers dedicated to each language examine past performance and trial results to determine acceptance or rejection.

 Vocabulary selection, knowledge and research, reading comprehension of the source text, and expression in the translated text are evaluated, and a score of B or higher on a 5-point scale from A to E is considered to be acceptable.

 The “AtGlobal Translation and Review Guide” is distributed at the time of contract, clearly stating the translation standards required by AtGlobal.

 For reviewers, a total of 6 hours of reviewer training is provided based on the “Reviewer Training Curriculum. This is followed by three to six months of on-the-job training by a senior reviewer.

 Translators are gradually introduced to projects, and when reviewers’ evaluations become stable, they are appointed as regular members.

 Reference materials on translation techniques, guidebooks, and a glossary of key terms in translation are distributed.

 Provides information on translation tools such as Trados, and offers free training courses.

 Under the title of the HEED (Human Error Eradicable Direction) project, an internal guide outlining various measures to eliminate human error was created and thoroughly implemented.

 Under the title of the Readability Improvement Project, an in-house guide to improve the readability of translated English and Japanese was created and training for in-house linguists was conducted.

 Utilizing a dedicated QA sheet, randomly select cases and conduct QA unannounced.

 Reviewers evaluate each translator on a 5-point scale in the following 9 categories at the end of the project. Feedback is provided to the translators as necessary.

(1) Reading comprehension, (2) Mistranslations, omissions, and typos, (3) Adherence to style, (4) Adherence to instructions, (5) Adherence to TM, (6) Investigation of external materials, (7) Fluctuations in translation, (8) Query evaluation, and (9) Adherence to deadlines.

 Regular “quality control meetings” led by general managers and senior project managers. Progress Report” on the cloud is used to manage noticeable errors as needed and to discuss improvement measures.

 Assigns translators and reviewers who specialize in the field of the material to be translated to the right person at the right place.

 Distribute “work instructions” customized for the target field to the translation team and ensure that they are well informed.

 Conduct Q & A during project progress by utilizing “query sheets. Execution of appropriate offerings to clients.

Translation Services for


Commitment to Quality

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